November 28, 2023

God Guides Me to Forgive and Bless the Debtors God’s guidance to forgive and bless my debtors opened me up to receive His Blessing that was so much more than I ever thought I would receive.  I still look back on this amazing blessing, and give so much Gratitude to God for guiding and directing me. While trying to get my building company up and running, I realized that I was probably going to need a truck for the business.... Read more

November 21, 2023

It Was Time to Make a Career Change I spent about three years working as an on-site sales agent. While I enjoyed helping young couples get into their first home, I was beginning to think that it was time for me to move on.  I admit that it was also obvious that the other on-site sales agents were still resentful of my success, and they gave me the cold shoulder. It has always been difficult for me to understand this... Read more

November 13, 2023

God Restored My Stolen Ring! The Power of Blessing and Releasing I was recently talking to a friend of mine who had some of her things stolen.  I don’t know if any of you have ever had stuff stolen, but I have.  It’s even more difficult to deal with when the item stolen has special significance. Thank Heaven I understand the Power of Blessing and Releasing!  I once had a ring stolen out of my locker at a local gym. ... Read more

November 6, 2023

  My Car Stopped Dead on the Expressway! Here is another miracle!  God saved me from an accident on the Expressway.  One day when I was driving to the subdivision where I worked, my car began sputtering and jerking – and then it stopped dead! I was horrified! Here I was on the expressway with cars whizzing past me at 70 miles an hour and my car just died! I Was Going to Get Hit! I glanced in my rear-view... Read more

October 31, 2023

God Really Does Turn Terror Into Triumph As you grow spiritually and learn that God is guiding and directing you through the challenges in your life, that terror you are feeling will quickly change to triumph when you allow God to advise you on the best solution. The more your fears diminish, the easier it is to hear God speaking to you. The quicker you hear God speaking to you with the solution, the quicker you resolve the issue. IT’S... Read more

October 24, 2023

Yes, you CAN manifest whatever you desire, and, yes, it really is easier than you think.  I mentioned in an earlier post that God has set up the Universe to respond to every desire we may have.  It’s such a blessing to know that God loves to give us the Desires of Our Heart, as stated in Psalm 37. He cautioned me to remember, however, that the Universe will dispassionately respond to my desire, whether it would be GOOD or... Read more

October 18, 2023

The Universe is Poised to Bring Me What I Desire As I headed toward my late 20s, I decided that it was time for me to move from apartment living into my own house. So each day I began scouring the newspapers for houses for sale. On the weekend I drove all over the place, going to open houses. After about a month of searching, I was no closer to finding my perfect home. One Sunday, when I once again... Read more

October 13, 2023

        My family and friends refer to me as The Miracle Queen, because I have had some 40-odd miracles in my life.  This isn’t because I have some special insider’s connection with God, since Jesus told us over and over that anything he could do, we could do as well.  The truth is that I was not always able to manifest miracles. In an earlier post, I related the story of my Mother miraculously receiving a $20-bill... Read more

October 10, 2023

  I love helping people learn the name of their Guardian Angel.  Everyone has one, and they would love to connect with you.  I was fortunate to meet mine when I was four years old. That day I had finished my kindergarten session and waited and waited in the parking lot for my Dad to come and take me home. On this day, he was very late, which was most unusual for him (it turned out he had a flat... Read more

October 9, 2023

Everyone has the power to manifest miracles if they only believe that it is possible.  I was fortunate to have parents who taught me to believe in and have faith in God.  My Mother experienced a bona fide miracle many years ago when my brother and sister and I were infants. My Father, a linotype operator, had been laid off from his job and, with a wife and young children to support, I imagine he was pretty anxious to find... Read more

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