November 29, 2023

The Christmas season draws us because of the plethora of smells tickling our noses. The scent of pine from our Christmas tree, the aroma of gingerbread baking in the oven, the fragrance of peppermint dispensed by our air fresheners all capture our attention and our imagination. While the holidays undoubtedly offer sweet scents and thus endear themselves to us, smells are given off all year long and by many things. One of those things is the Christian faith. Does it... Read more

November 21, 2023

The arrival of Thanksgiving provides Americans the opportunity to stuff themselves as well as turkeys. But in between mouthfuls of mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie, Christians should ask themselves a very important question—one which does not relate to second helpings. That query is “Are you full of thanks or just full?” Having a table laden with delectable food and a stomach full of Thanksgiving dinner is, of course, a wonderful thing. But what about our hearts? Are they full of... Read more

November 14, 2023

The decision must be made daily. What to wear today? Factors to consider include the weather, scheduled activities, and the season. For Christians, the choice is straightforward. Paul instructs believers in Romans 13:14 (AMP) to clothe themselves with Jesus. The apostle’s direction seems simple, but how does a Christian clothe himself with Christ? In the Beginning Interestingly, when God created the world, He did not provide man with clothes. Gen. 2:25 Despite humans’ lack of clothing, He viewed His creation... Read more

November 7, 2023

On October 31st President Biden issued an official proclamation designating November as National Adoption Month. The concept is neither modern nor an American creation. Forms of the practice appear throughout history, addressed in the Code of Hammurabi and in Rome’s Codex Justinianus. Is the practice biblical though? A True Story Assuring a nurturing, loving environment for every child seems a goal every Christian could get behind. But, surprisingly, pushback from believers can come when birth parents consider the option of adoption. Consider... Read more

October 31, 2023

The wee ant darting about on the ground is smaller than a paper clip, and most humans view the insect as a pest at picnics. But despite its small size and annoying propensity to zero in on picnic food, the ant provides a big faith lesson to believers who thoughtfully consider its ways. Ant Basics An insect related to wasps and bees, ants have a distinctive body with antennae on their heads and a narrow waist. Their size ranges from... Read more

October 24, 2023

An essential accessory for many Christians? A cross necklace. But Jesus didn’t mean wearing this symbol closely identified with the Christian faith when He directed His disciples to take up their cross daily and follow Him. (Luke 9:23) And He certainly didn’t contemplate believers walking around each day under the weight of a physical cross. Since Jesus clearly instructed taking up a cross, Christians are forced to determine just what His words require them to do. The Cross as a... Read more

October 17, 2023

The apostle Paul, addressing believers in the early church, stressed that their lives were to be a letter from Jesus to others. But the message, as well as the form of the letter, was unusual. He described this letter in 2 Cor. 3:3 (NIV) as one “…written not with ink but with the Spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” His point? Believers are to be living letters for Jesus. But... Read more

October 10, 2023

God’s provision of quails for the Israelites wandering in the wilderness and longing for meat is a familiar Old Testament miracle. While this miracle offers an entertaining story, it provides far more. Not only can an understanding of how the miracle likely happened enhance our appreciation of God’s creativity, but it can also offer a fun conversation starter to discuss your faith with others. What’s A Miracle? When considering miracles, a good starting point is to understand what one is.... Read more

October 4, 2023

While the Great Commission Jesus gave His followers in Mark 16:15 is seemingly straightforward, it does raise a thorny question. Where is the world He requires Christians to go into? Must believers leave the comfort of home to travel to faraway, exotic locations to spread the Good News? Did Jesus mean “all the world” literally? Before ascending into heaven, Jesus voiced some marching orders. And I mean “orders” literally. Jesus gave a command, not a friendly suggestion. Mark 16:15 tells... Read more

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