11 Saints to Ask for Prayers this Year – Happy All Saints Day!

11 Saints to Ask for Prayers this Year – Happy All Saints Day! October 31, 2023

Saint Statues in NYC, Therese, Anthony, Joseph
A Line of Top Saints for All Saints Day – Therese, Anthony, and Joseph in a Row (Photo by A. Laflamme)

Happy All Saints Day!

This All Saints Day, I’m going to think of my top 11 Saints that I’d like to ask for prayers. Like a starting line up of a football team, these will be my go-to intercessors for this month of November.

11. St. Andrew

Despite St. Andrew being my name saint, I rarely think of him until recently.

This All Saints Day, I’m choosing Andrew to intercede for us because he was the first apostle to notice Jesus (John 1:40-42) and point him out as Messiah. He then told Peter, his brother about Jesus and got things started with the Church. I picture him as an example of evangelization and sharing what you love with those you love.

St. Andrew, pray for us to be better sharers of the faith and of God whom we love.

10. St. Peter

Andrew shared the faith with Peter who would become the first pope (Matthew 16:18). Our world is in a crazy place when it comes to leadership. Despite his doubts and imperfections, Peter led the church for Jesus. We need his intercession for our world’s leaders that they can focus on what is true and important despite their screw ups.

St. Peter, pray for us, our church, our countries, our cities, and our households, that we can lead others to Christ like Christ, even to the point of death.

9. St. Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas will forever be regarded as one of the most brilliant thinkers in history. His Summa Theologica is known to be a resource for logically laying out answers to questions and objections of the faith.

When teaching in the classroom, St. Thomas encouraged dialogue; however, in order to speak to someone, students had to first explain the other person’s perspective and verify that they understand prior to objecting to the thought.

In world of social media, headlines, and sound bites, this is the kind of slow thinking and dialogue that we do desperately need.

St. Thomas Aquinas, pray that our minds can think rightly, that we can understand one another before we discuss, and that we can seek Truth and let it lead us closer to Jesus who is The Truth.

8. St. Benedict

St. Benedict is known for preserving culture, history, and the faith in times of chaos. He is also known for his Rule of Life and prayer.

St. Benedict, pray that we as a Church can hold fast to our culture, history, and faith in these times of chaos. Teach us to live, work, and especially pray by your example so that we may attain heaven and a life with Christ.

7. Pope St. John Paul II

Karol Wojtyla was drawn to beauty and the arts his whole life. He acted and wrote plays before becoming a priest and eventually Pope John Paul II. JPII knew the human heart as shown in his many writings and his speeches that would become known as Theology of the Body.

This love of mankind had no limits. JPII promoted the kind of loving forgiveness that the world needs to mend conflicts, as shown by the forgiveness of his attempted assassin.

In a similar spirit, Pope St. John Paul II was influential in promoting peace around the world leading to the end of the Cold War.

Pope St. John Paul II, intercede for our world to bring forgiveness and peace between nations in conflict around the world. Pray for a renewed appreciation for mankind and the beauty of every life.

6. St. Monica

St Monica with Therese and Augustine in Mexico City
St. Monica with Therese and Augustine in Mexico City (Photo by A. Laflamme)

St. Monica is famous for her intercessory prayers for her son, St. Augustine. Augustine credits his mom’s intercession in Confessions as being critical to his conversion with the help of St. Ambrose.

“‘You put forth your hand from on high, and you drew my soul out of that pit of darkness, when before you my mother, your faithful servant, wept more for me than mothers weep over their children’s dead bodies. By that spirit of faith which she had from you, she saw my death, and you graciously heard her, O Lord. Graciously you hear her, and you did not despise her tears when they flowed down from her eyes and watered the earth beneath, in whatsoever place she prayed.”

St. Augustine – Confessions (Book III, Chapter 11)

St. Monica, intercede for all of us the way you did for your son, that we might know God in Heaven for eternity as you both do. Encourage us by your example to intercede for others as sincerely as you do.

5. St. Anthony

St Anthony and Therese in Denver
Sts. Anthony and Therese together in Denver (Photo by A. Laflamme)

Many people think of St. Anthony as the Saint that finds lost things, but more extraordinarily he is known as the Saint of Miracles for performing numerous miracles both during his life and through his intercession in heaven.

St. Anthony, continue to pray for us and continue your work of performing miracles. Pray that we are able to open our eyes to see the daily miracles around us and be grateful to God for all that He provides.

4. St. Louis de Montfort

St. Louis de Montfort is known for devotion to Mary. I have mentioned his True Devotion to Mary as a spirituality on here before. This concept and devotion is life changing. St. Louis explains that True Devotion to Mary is the shortest, easiest, most secure way to Jesus.

He has summed up the goal in the simple phrase “To Jesus, through Mary.”

St. Louis de Montfort, pray that we recognize Jesus’ love for his Mother and that we grow deeper in love with Jesus through Mary.

3. St. Therese of Liseaux

St. Thérèse of Lisieux is well known for her Little Way. The Little Way is a spiritual humility, understanding that we are so small compared to the greatness of God that we can let go and fully trust in Him. It is amazing that Thérèse was so unknown in her lifetime, yet through her profound simplicity she has become such a beloved Saint. For being so humble, I wonder how she feels about her statue being so common and recognizable throughout the world.

St. Thérèse, pray for us to have humility like you, to focus on the importance of our relationship with God our Father, and to trust entirely in God’s love for us.

2. St. Joseph

On the topic of humility, St. Joseph doesn’t have any speaking roles in all of the Gospels, yet he stands out as the chosen earthly father of Jesus and head of the Holy Family. One only has to look to the Litany of St. Joseph to see why he is an essential intercessor for any Christian.

“Joseph most just…
Joseph most strong…
Mirror of patience…
Pillar of families,
Solace of the wretched…
Patron of the dying,
Terror of demons,
Protector of Holy Church,

Litany of St Joseph excerpts

St. Joseph, pray for us to have some of your virtues. You were entrusted with the care of Jesus and Mary. Pray that we can live life well until a happy death as you did, to spend eternity in the company of the Holy Family of Saints.

1. St. Mary, Mother of God

Lastly, the team would not be complete without the Saint closest to Jesus’ Sacred Heart, Mary His Mother.

Mary was with Jesus, walking with him every step of the way, from nativity to crucifixion to resurrection and ascension. She knows Jesus, and was found worthy to be His Mother.

Mary, Our Mother, pray for us to know Jesus more. As we meditate on the mysteries of his life with you, lead us to greater adoration of God. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

All Saints, Pray for Us

This All Saints Day, this is my dream team of Saints. These are the ones that came to mind as I wrote this and whose intercession I ask for.

Sorry for any of the many Saints I neglected to mention, but there’s always next year or the rest of November!

Who is on your All Saints dream team?

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About Andrew Laflamme
Andrew is a husband and father. With experience as an engineer and Catholic missionary. You can read more about the author here.
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