November 30, 2023

Here is a real quick non-detailed overview of (only) some of  the Biblical Figures who lived before the First Christmas occurred. This brief non-bible study gets many of its descriptions from Wikipedia. I probably left out some interesting intriguing and engaging characters. I probably left out some great wonderful fascinating facts and events. I probably have some writing errors. But then again this is a brief list of biblical figures. Don’t except more than just a simple introduction to the... Read more

November 27, 2023

Aldous Huxley  (July 26, 1894)  was an English writer and philosopher best known for his classic dystopian novel ‘Brave New World’. C.S. Lewis (November 29, 1898) was a British writer and lay theologian. In the Christian world he is known for his great apologetics work Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters. To the rest of the world he is best known as the creator of fictional land of Narnia. He also happen to be great friends with the creator of... Read more

November 23, 2023

October 31st -Thank God for candy and neighbors who actually talk to one another. November 11 – Thank God for our Veterans who served our country. The final Thursday in November – Thank God for everything… As I was walking into our parish church ‘Holy Apostles’ in Cranston R.I. for the 8:30 a.m. mass with Kristin, I happened to notice the church secretary coming in for work to take care of parish business. As any good secretary would do, she... Read more

November 20, 2023

Catholics, Atheists, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons and others all love movies, stories and being entertained. It’s an ecumenical medium for all people because all people love stories. One of the distributors in the modern world of bringing stories to people is Hollywood. And lately they have been doing a not so good job of doing it. Some of the videos I have included in this week in review discuss such issues. Hollywood is Wile E Coyote and the audience... Read more

November 16, 2023

In Catholics I Like To Write About  I described the types of Catholics I feel drawn to comment on.  This post displays some of the particular  groups or  individuals I have honed in on that have impressed me by their contribution to Catholic mass media.  I may not agree with each and every writer on each and every issue or the ways in which they express themselves. But overall I find their writings or creative output worth sharing and quoting.... Read more

November 13, 2023

I like to post stuff in my review that is happening Now and Then about last week. The Beatles through A.I., old footage and miraculous editing, released their final song together after breaking up over 5 decades ago. We live in an interesting age. Perhaps Bach and Beethoven will come up with some new music also. Anyway here is what I’ve come up with that Happen  Last Week and Year in Life.   Monday November 6, 2023 Day 310: Rivals for the Heart... Read more

November 9, 2023

It is always exciting for a movie and tv fanboy to see what is coming our way to the small or big screen. Lots of good Sci-Fi/Fantasy/inspirational/dramatic/historical/dramatic and other types of films to feast your imagination and thoughts on, so you can get some ideas to fuel your own creative endeavors. So here is a list of what creative and corporate, truly independent and commercial filmmakers, actors and others have produced that is coming out. This comes out as the... Read more

November 6, 2023

Sometimes I feel like I’m just phoning it in with my Last Week in Life blog posts. I’m tired from lack of sleep. I got a CPAP machine but so far it has not made a difference. My mind feels frazzled. I’ve also been doing research on other writing projects. I’ve spent time with friends and my wife which occupy my time. I have to go to work. I feel that I don’t always put the quality I should into... Read more

November 1, 2023

We are all called to spend our lives striving to fall more and more deeply in love with Christ.  We are meant to seek, to find and to follow our paths that lead to our vocations. We are meant to truly love God, to seek and to do always and only his will. Again we are meant to fall in love with God.  We are called, just as the famous, canonized Saints we honor today have been called, to spend... Read more

October 31, 2023

Every October 31st begins the cycle of the annual holiday seasons in which writers reach into the inner basement of their imaginations trying to conjure up some new ideas to write about the big celebrations being celebrated or that will be celebrated across the land by everybody and their neighbor. Starting with Halloween and then Thanksgiving and finally with Christmas, bloggers have an opportunity to engage the major holidays with words. For us Catholics I’ll stick in All Saints Day... Read more

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