November 30, 2023

Here I am standing on a new precipice. How in the world will I ever get down? It’s crowded here. I watch the fluid movement of each person adorning their talents and wonder why some are more dynamic than others. Observe Without Notice I crouch behind a table so I can watch without being noticed and discover a blender. I am fascinated by its beauty and become intrigued by what it can do. As I study it, I realize it... Read more

November 23, 2023

Here I am again back in the same classroom, learning the same lessons. Really? Didn’t I pass with flying colors last time? As I look around, I notice these are new classmates, but everything else seems to be the same. The assignments are being discussed when I see the canvas already laid out and I think to myself, maybe this is the final exam, maybe this is a test to see if I can actually use the tools I was given... Read more

November 16, 2023

I’ve made several touchdowns lately. Life feels pretty good. In fact, things are going so well that Joy and I are planning a celebration dinner. After all, we’ve worked hard and deserve it, right? Standing in the end zone, I hold the football in the air and strut a victory dance. Unfair Penalty Out of nowhere, a member of the opposing team rushes me, tackles me to the ground, and I fumble the ball.  Where did that come from? Where’s... Read more

November 9, 2023

I was sitting at the table of a group I joined several years ago. I glanced around the table scrutinizing each of the members when I realized I really don’t belong. Analyzed My Situation To my right sat Ego and Pride. Each of them, on their own, is hard to encounter. However, together they are like having a weakened immune system caused by a curable disease and knowing they hold the cure and no way in hell are they giving... Read more

November 2, 2023

Amazing how two team members working side by side on the volleyball court can experience the exact same situation and walk away with polar opposite perceptions. Ego and Pride Change the Dynamics of the Game Here we are keeping the volleyball in a perfect volley for 2 months solid when Ego and Pride join the game. We quickly divide and the real games begin. The volley continues but not without confrontation. I begin to tire and experience brain fog. Not... Read more

October 26, 2023

Have you ever been at a crossroads where both paths seem to be a great fit and quality choice? I’m there now. Faith sits with patience on the road to the left. She waits for me to notice her. I nod in her direction but still ponder the crossroad. Are Sweetness and Indulgence Enough? On the road to the left, the one I have been traveling for months now, holds a delectable dessert, Death by Chocolate. For those of you... Read more

October 19, 2023

My husband and I traveled from Colorado to Seattle and back recently. We took out maps and decided which roads to take and where to stop for the night. We booked reservations with hotels then researched and selected fun things to do and see along the way. We strategically packed a few pieces of luggage to accommodate all sorts of weather and personal care. We piled everything in the car, being sure to put reachable items close for us to... Read more

October 12, 2023

I’d much prefer to cruise on the Disney Wish, but let’s face it, we’ve all taken a ride on the Hardship Cruise Line. We don’t even have to buy tickets, but boy do we pay. For reasons beyond my comprehension, we often ride the Hardship more than once, sometimes making Platinum status. Meaning we’ve reached more than 70 hours at sea. Some may feel like they never get off. It’s the part of life nobody enjoys, but we all endure.... Read more

October 5, 2023

I dread those days, weeks, and months when I’m trudging so low in the valley that the mountain peaks seem distant and unattainable. They tower over me, mocking my companion, Inadequacy. Shame and Fear are close behind offering no encouragement. Every time I glance at those mountain peaks, I sink a little further into the valley floor, I’m never going to make it up there—you know, to the place in which God has called me? Feeling sorry for myself, I... Read more

September 28, 2023

It’s another one of those times…I know them well. When I’m standing firm on The Rock at life’s seashore of lessons learned, in comes a wave so enormous that Bitterness and Frustration grab a hold of me attempting to un-plant my feet. Oh, it rocks me from side to side, but I remain standing. Just about the time I steady myself, here comes another one. This time Anger and Deceit lash out at me. I squat down gaining some grip... Read more

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