November 24, 2023

It may seem odd that I feel compelled to write about what I owe my kids because they’ve endured my divorce. Yet as an adult child of divorced parents and a mom who has been divorced, it’s my belief that children of divorce are entitled to certain rights. That’s not to say that children raised in intact families don’t have rights – it’s just that children of divorce deserve special consideration. Distinguished divorce researcher Elizabeth Marquardt adds her perspective on... Read more

November 19, 2023

When Sondra, age 40, arrived for her counseling appointment, she wanted to focus on her difficulty in selecting partners who are a good match for her. She also acknowledged that her former therapist (in college), told her that she had insecure attachment because both of her parents were alcoholics who ignored her emotional needs. I validated her experience and began researching this topic. In a recent article for The Gottman’s Institute’s website, Dr. Marni Feuerman dissects attachment theory and the... Read more

November 12, 2023

When Kylie, 35, and Henry, 36, sat in my office for a couples session, it became clear that they were disconnected because they sat at opposite ends of the couch. When I asked them what brought them in for counseling, Kylie spoke about how Henry was constantly on his phone and she felt ignored. Henry shared that he knew he had an addiction to his phone but he just didn’t realize how bad things were with Kylie. Kylie put it... Read more

November 5, 2023

Intimacy is an important source of comfort and provides predictability in an uncertain world. It’s important for you keep your marriage in perspective. Many people avoid being close to their partner and lose out on the rewards of intimacy such as feeling safe and connected during times of turmoil. Why waste time fearing intimacy? By being vulnerable, you can achieve intimacy with our partner and stand a better chance of achieving long-lasting love. On the long list of factors that... Read more

October 29, 2023

Let’s face it, many people are not emotionally ready to move on after a breakup and believe that preserving a friendship with their ex (assuming there was one) is useful. While it’s normal to want to undo the past, so often when we try to forge a friendship with our ex-spouse we are blindsided by complications and pitfalls. When my marriage ended, I felt a lot of pressure to maintain a friendship with my ex and found out over time... Read more

October 22, 2023

For most of my life, I’ve bought into the commonly held belief that good marriages are relatively free of conflict. It may seem obvious to some, but not all, that the best relationships are ones born out of trust and vulnerability. What better way to practice being vulnerable and learning to trust your partner than working through conflict together successfully. When each partner approaches one another as an equal working through conflict can nourish rather than drain a relationship. Differences... Read more

October 15, 2023

During a recent counseling session, Karen and Joshua, in their late thirties, spoke about their finances, and explained how their debt was causing stress in their relationship. Since they are both self-employed and were paid sporadically, it was easy for debt to build up and most of their discussions about money turned into arguments over the past few years. Married for over a decade and raising two children, they had drifted apart and the last thing they wanted to talk... Read more

October 8, 2023

When Maria, 37, and Jeff, 38, came to our first session for counseling they both complained about a lack of feeling connected with each other and said they were drifting apart since the CVID-19 pandemic. As they talked, it became apparent that they both spend an excessive amount of time on their computers between work and leisure time. Maria put it like this, “Jeff and I barely talk anymore. We both work at home online and it seems like we’re... Read more

September 30, 2023

Studies show that conflict is what creates the most pain and anguish for children after parents’ split, and that keeping parental disagreements to a minimum is a key aspect of helping kids become resilient. Over the last few decades, research by child development experts has demonstrated numerous benefits to children when their living arrangements enable support from both parents. One reason is that parents who co-parent tend to experience lower conflict than those who have sole custody arrangements. However, very... Read more

September 23, 2023

During a recent counseling session, Monica, 40, complained about her two-year daughter Abigail, crying too much and being unsure about how to handle her. Monica put it like this, “My husband Kyle and I disagree about what to do when Abbey cries. He thinks we should let her cry it out and I don’t agree. When we do, she just seems more agitated and it escalates. When I comfort her, she calms down quickly.” In a recent article for the... Read more

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