“What the hell just happened?”

“What the hell just happened?” March 25, 2021

One of my favorite cold openings to Parks and Rec is when Diane and her daughters visit Ron at the office. The girls burst in as a tornado of chaos only exacerbated by Andy. After everyone leaves Ron’s office a mess after a few seconds of chaos, he looks at the camera and says, “What the hell just happened?” That scene has summed up the last year in my life (as I am sure many of you can relate). Especially when it has come to work and life balance, which has seemed non-existent.

Usually this time of year is when I attempt to get back to writing. While I have been in contract with a publisher for my book, and am still tweaking the manuscript, I am going to attempt (again) to put out either weekly or bi-weekly posts (for sustainability). As a way to slowly re-enter sustainable posting, over the next few weeks I will be releasing my notes from the teachings I gave at Augsburg ELCA in January of this year. Our pastor was on medical leave and I was asked to step in and teach for a few weeks.

So, starting next week, be on the look out for those teachings and newer stuff to come! Or don’t be on the look out, you’re (most likely) an adult, so do what you want.

Grace and peace.

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