Pro-Choice: What Does ‘The Chosen’ Popularity Tell Us About Ourselves?

Pro-Choice: What Does ‘The Chosen’ Popularity Tell Us About Ourselves? October 18, 2023

Unless you live under a rock or inside an Amish community (which you wouldn’t be reading this post anyway), you have enjoyed one show, season, or the entire series of The ChosenWriter and creator Dallas Jenkins has discovered something with his remarkable series that many have misplaced years back — the reality of Jesus Christ.

His approach throughout The Chosen is unlike anything made before telling the story of Jesus and extolling the splendor of Christ. It’s like “The Message Bible” and “The Amplified Bible” joined forces to personify the Gospel message throughout all three seasons (so far). Speaking of which, Jenkins has said The Chosen is “based on all four Gospels.” This is something more Christians should know.

  • Matthew — A Jewish perspective for the Jewish people
  • Mark — A Gentile perspective for the Jewish people
  • Luke — A Christ-follower who collected stories of the Messiah for everyone
  • John — An intimate take from someone who was with Jesus every step of the way

If believers understand the series follows the Gospel message and can hear the Scriptures being shared in each episode, why are they so surprised–and sometimes shocked–when Jesus and His disciples seem real? As if these 13 men lived and dwelled among us?

Some people responsible for The Chosen recently shared their surprise at the series’ success. For 90 days, Season 3 has been in Prime Video’s Top 10. That’s the second largest streamer anywhere with 200 million viewers strong, and The Chosen has been on a three-month mainstay on that Top 10. Let that sink in a minute.

Vice President of International at The Chosen Kyle Young said the Prime data has “just been completely amazing.”

We’ve been completely blown away by the size of the audience engagement, and the ongoing viewership, and it’s led to a bunch more people being exposed to the show. We’re just seeing that this story resonates with people all over the world and in so many different amazing ways.

Let’s bring this close to home: Jesus Christ had to be the most charismatic and magnetic person ever to walk the planet. He got 12 guys to drop their actions, walk a different path, and follow him. Then, the stories and Spirit of the man have convinced billions of people to do the same thing.

Let’s say, a faith-based movie or TV series goes wild and cuts through the secular clutter. Are you surprised? That’s the goal!

Choose Life

The Chosen shows Jesus laughing and being real. Why are we surprised?
Jesus laughed with two of his disciples. Yes, laughing! (Credit: Walter Royall via Angel Studios/Out of Order Studios)

The guy from Angel Studios is right–the mass reception to The Chosen has been incredible, but should it be surprising? If someone makes a faith-based movie, they understand the pragmatics of reception. The marketing plan will involve every megachurch in the country, hyperlocal commercials, and get believers in such a lather that they share all over the Interwebs.

The Passion of the Christ and The Chosen share one thing -- reality
Credit: Jim Knell via ICON Productions

Many true stories are heartwarming and inspirational, but those usually reach a particular segment of society. It takes something extraordinary to tell others that a film or TV series is “the greatest story ever told.” Take The Passion of the Christ.

It was the most profitable Rated-R movie before a few risqué comic book movies dethroned it. The film didn’t flinch to show the shock and awe Jesus experienced sacrificing Himself for our sins. It was brutal to watch. With each thrash creating those stripes we are eternally grateful for, people remember cringing in pain in their seats. It forced some Christians to leave the theater because they couldn’t believe what they saw—some of the most visceral scenes in motion picture history.

And that’s the thing — no one could believe it.

That doesn’t mean the relentless violence and unparalleled savagery those Roman soldiers unleashed on the Son of God didn’t happen. It did happen. We read about it in the Bible. If you don’t believe it, ask Jim Caviezel, who endured it physically. He even got struck by lightning while depicting the crucifixion in Golgotha.

Jesus experienced that in real life. Jesus laughed, cracked a joke, had a little snark, and even got frustrated over Matthew’s quirky idiosyncrasies. Why is that hard to believe? It isn’t. At least, it shouldn’t be.

Art Imitates Life

The Gospels are directly responsible for a realistic vision of Christ

The Gospel message creates the path for us all to follow. Christians believe the blueprint for life is in the Gospels. So, why can’t we believe Jesus would reflect what is seen in The Chosen? Yet, much like The Passion, we can’t believe what we see.

Neither can anyone else. That’s why the TV series found a home in the Top 10 of Prime Video. The CW syndicated it nationally. This is a powerful series that shows a not-as-visible side of Jesus. It’s not “different” because it’s who He was. Unfortunately, those other characteristics and vantage points are invisible because crusty Christians only accept the melancholy, sad, choir-boy-looking Jesus.

In the Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 16, Jesus and His merry men are hanging out in Caesarea Phillipi when he asks them, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” (V. 13)

Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets. 

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.

In verse 15, Peter gives his best friend two notes — an illustration of what He is and an identification of who He is. The others were going off about what people think Jesus was to others. Peter shared what Jesus was to himself. He knew Jesus. We know what people have said about Jesus, and that alone can change anyone’s life. But imagine if you knew Him.
He took you fishing. You fell asleep on the beach by a fire with him and 11 of your closest friends. Whether at the throne room of Grace or inside the temple blessing some people out, you saw it all! If you knew Jesus, seeing The Chosen would do nothing but confirm the guy you already know and share the Jesus they need to meet with others.

And, if you’re watching The Chosen, you may do both.

About Shawn Paul Wood
For more than 20 years, Shawn Paul Wood has been an award-winning storyteller for global marketing and advertising agencies and some of the most notable names in their respective industries. He has developed messaging and positioning strategies that have created awareness and converted opinions from international ministries to local start-ups. His career has provided access to some foremost brands and fascinating people, but at the heart of his work has been the art of storytelling to make more than a bottom line or a headline; it’s about making a difference. Today, Shawn runs Woodworks Communications, an agency about the written word based on The Word. Its purpose is self-discovery through stories. Those stories need to be written to be searched, found, linked, and enjoyed. In the Woodworks shop, they custom-build everything. You can read more about the author here.

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