Thinking Beyond Thanksgiving to Spread Gratitude

Thinking Beyond Thanksgiving to Spread Gratitude November 19, 2023

Beyond Thanksgiving: Creative Ways to Spread GratitudeAs the Thanksgiving holiday season approaches, it is a time to reflect on the essential people in our lives and spread gratitude. While a traditional Thanksgiving feast is a time-honored way of celebrating, there are a number of innovative ways to demonstrate appreciation beyond the holiday table and the holiday season. This article will explore a range of unique and thoughtful methods that can be used throughout the year to share and express gratitude.

Host a Brunch to Spread Gratitude

Another way of thinking beyond Thanksgiving to spread gratitude is hosting a brunch. This is one possible approach to showing appreciation for individuals who may be unable to participate in a Thanksgiving dinner. A brunch is a relaxed, informal meal that can be served at any time from late morning to early afternoon. It can feature a variety of dishes, including pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, and fruit salad. Additionally, hosting a mimosa or Bloody Mary bar can add some fun to the occasion. A brunch provides an opportunity to catch up with friends and family in a relaxed and casual setting.

Deliver Meals to the Needy

Another way to show gratitude is through delivering a meal to a friend or family member who is going through a challenging time. Preparing a batch of lasagna, a pot of chili, or a casserole and dropping it off at their doorstep can provide a welcome relief and demonstrate support for them during a difficult time. This gesture can show that you care and are there for them when they need it most.

Spread Gratitude by Volunteering at a Food Shelf

Personally, the best way of thinking beyond Thanksgiving to spread gratitude is by volunteering at a food shelf . Typically, as a volunteer, you’ll help with sorting and organizing donations, stocking shelves, and assisting customers with their needs. It’s a great way to help those in need in your community and give back to society. You’ll get to meet people from all walks of life and make a difference in their lives. Plus, you’ll gain valuable skills such as teamwork, communication, and customer service. Overall, volunteering in a food shelf is a great way to give back and make a positive impact on the community

Hosting a Potluck to Spread Gratitude 

A potluck is another fun way to share a meal, bring people together, and show gratitude. Guests can be asked to bring a dish to share or assigned specific dishes. Potlucks are an excellent way to try new foods and enjoy a diverse range of flavors. They also provide an opportunity to showcase culinary skills and share family recipes. Additionally, setting up a game or activity can add some entertainment to the evening and make it a memorable event.

Bake Some Treats

Baking some treats is a thoughtful way to show appreciation for colleagues or teachers. A batch of cookies, brownies, or cupcakes can be whipped up and brought into the workplace or classroom. This simple gesture can brighten their day and show that their contributions are valued. It can also provide a much-needed boost of energy during a long workday or class.

Host a BBQ to Show Gratitude

Hosting a BBQ is a perfect way of thinking beyond Thanksgiving to spread gratitude, and demonstrate appreciation for friends, family, or colleagues, particularly when the weather is favorable. Grilling burgers, hot dogs, or chicken and serving sides such as potato salad, coleslaw, and corn on the cob can make for a fun and enjoyable event. Lawn games or outdoor activities can also be set up to add some entertainment. A BBQ allows for a more relaxed and informal atmosphere and provides an opportunity to bond over shared interests.

Create a Giftbasket

Creating a custom gift basket is another thoughtful way to demonstrate appreciation for someone special. The basket can include their favorite snacks, beverages, and treats, along with a handwritten note expressing gratitude. This personalized gift shows that thought and care have been put into it. It can also be tailored to suit the recipient’s preferences and tastes.

Make a Charitable Donation

Finally, making a charitable donation in someone’s name is a meaningful way to express gratitude. A cause that is important to the individual, such as a local food bank, animal shelter, or environmental organization, can be selected. This gesture not only demonstrates gratitude, but it also contributes to making a positive impact in the world. It can also serve as a way of honoring the recipient’s values and beliefs.

To Wrap Up

In conclusion, there are numerous creative and thoughtful ways to express gratitude with food beyond the Thanksgiving table and season. Whether it is through hosting a brunch, delivering a meal, volunteering at a food shelf, creating a gift basket, or making a charitable donation, the key is to demonstrate that you care. By taking the time to express gratitude in a personal and meaningful way, relationships can be strengthened, and a positive impact can be made in the lives of those around us.

Let me know some of the ways that you can share gratitude in your community in the comment section below.  Have a wonderful holiday season, and thanks for taking time to read my column.

About Chef John Politte
I have dabbled in the culinary world for the last 40 odd years as a chef, bartender, bouncer, dishwasher, waiter, multi-level manager, teacher, media personality, food journalist, food photographer, online seasonings and spice shop curator, podcaster and cookbook author. I enjoy using my humor, wisdom, and experience to entertain and teach the curious among us. You can read more about the author here.
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