Medium Large: Are Mediums For Real?

Medium Large: Are Mediums For Real? July 6, 2023

IMAGE: Pexels

In this week’s episode of Heretic Happy Hour, our co-hosts, Matthew Distefano, Katy Valentine, Sandhya Jha and Keith Giles wrap up their Ghosts and Ghouls series with a fascinating conversation about Mediums.

Katy Valentine walks us through her fascinating experiences hearing from people from beyond the grave, and Matthew, Keith and Sandhya share their doubts, concerns, and reactions to the possibility that people continue to communicate with the living long after they’ve passed on to the other side.

What do you think?

Do you believe in post-mortem conversations with the deceased? Are souls and spirits capable of lingering on long after they die?

What do they want to tell us? How can we know if they’re real or imagined?

Are they real? Does the Bible support speaking to the dead? How can you spot a fake?

PLUS: Our interview with Heretic of the Week [HOTW] Kiersten Hathcock, real-life medium and author of the best-selling book, “Little Voices.”

IMAGE: Kiersten Hathcock



Heretic Happy Hour is an unapologetically irreverent, crass, and sometimes profound conversation about the Christian faith. Hosts Keith Giles, Katy Valentine, Desimber Rose, Sandhya Jha, alongside producer Matthew J. Distefano, pull no punches and leave no stones unturned. For some serious sacred cow-tipping, there’s nothing better than spending an hour of your time with us.


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